marriage in America.txt
marriage in Americamarriage in Americamarriage in America
America´s economy.txt
America´s economy 美国经济
奥巴马胜选演讲稿:Change Has Come to America 中英文对照.txt
ʤݽ壺ChangeHas Come AmericaObama:Hello, Chicago.硣If anyoneout whostill doubts placewhere all things po
Obama- Change Is Coming to America.txt
Obama- Change Is Coming to AmericaObama- Change Is Coming to AmericaObama- Change Is Coming to America
商务英语原文--Unemployment in America.txt
nullThe dictionary definition defines unemployment as one who lacks employment. I define unemployment as a sign of the times.? Every time you put on the news you hear of another company who is laying off employees.? It started after 9/11 with the Airline industry, now it is the Auto industry and most recently Courier services such as DHL Express.? During this presidential election, the major topic McCain and Obama have discussed is our economy.? As the nation´s unemployment rate jumped to a 5-year high, the nation is now facing a r
Taboos in America 美国人的禁忌.txt
Taboos in America 美国人的禁忌
Obama- The America We Love.txt
Obama- The America We LoveObama- The America We LoveObama- The America We Love
商务英语原文--Government Bailouts: Good or Bad for America?.txt
While there is an increased trend in the number of bailouts by the government recently, it is not all that of a new topic. Throughout US history, there have been many government bailouts, beginning in the 1970´s. The only difference is that today, the dollar amount of the bailouts has increased to great proportions. Until the recent hype of the stock market issues and the takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the term bailout was not something Americans used in everyday language. I believe it is due to the high influence of&n
Truth and Tolerance in America.txt
Truth and Tolerance in America...
