商务英语原文--Reliance Industries Limited Out Performs the Singapore Complex Benchmark Grm for First Quarter Fy 2007 -08.txt
Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) has once again announced good results for the first quarter of FY2007-08. The GRM for the first quarter was US$ 15.4 /bbl as against US$ 12.4 / bbl in the corresponding period of the previous year.
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商务英语原文--Discount Area Rug Will Give a New Look to your Complex.txt
Your home or commercial complex is one of the most precious things to you and you would take all pains to make it look more appealing. What matters the most in any complex is its decoration and ambience? It is this reason that area rugs have been preferred by almost every person. The best part of using area rug is that they can be easily removed whenever wanted. Suppose, you are not happy enough with green colored area rug and want to change the entire interiors to different color. What you can do is remove the gr
A New Type of Complex Neutrino Mass Texture and mu-tau Symmetry....txt
本文由wxq89n2xco贡献 pdf 文档可能在WAP 端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 TOKAI-HEP/TH-0505 NewType ComplexNeutri
ScienceDirect_com - Physics Reports - Complex (dusty) plasmas Current status, open issues, perspectives.txt
ScienceDirect_com - Physics Reports - Complex (dusty) plasmas Current status, open issues, perspectivesScienceDirect_com - Physics Reports - Complex (dusty) plasmas Current status, open issues, perspectivesScienceDirect_com - Physics Reports - Complex (dusty) plasmas Current status, open issues, perspectives
1 case of aorta - descending aorta bypass grafting for the treatment of complex congenital heart disease, coarctation of the aorta of Perioperative Nursing_62693.txt
1 case of aorta - descending aorta bypass grafting for the treatment of complex congenital heart disease, coarctation of the aorta of Perioperative Nursing_62693
