FGH LVRT procedure.txt
本文由jingkesong贡献 pdf 文档可能在WAP 端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 "LVRT Testing Procedures singleWECs via
How to use stored procedure with input parameter that takes in multiple values.pdf
User has a stored procedure with an input parameter (e.g. param1). The input parameter is supposed to get its value from a multiple select value prompt (i.e. select multiple values from customer id) with the selected items separated by commas. In Framework Manager, user cannot set the parameter to #promptmany(´param1´)#. User can only set the stored procedure input parameter to #prompt(´param1´)# but this causes a problem. When the user publishes the model and creates a report using the stored procedure, the input parameter would only accept the first value from the multiple select prompt and not pass all that are selected.
Carpenter´s Complete Guide to the SAS REPORT Procedure-source code and Data.txt
Carpenter´sComplete Guide SASREPORT Procedure ArtCarpenter Copyright(c)2007 SASInstitute Inc., Cary,
How to create a report using a stored procedure that needs 2 input parameters but prompts only for 1.txt
The database has a stored procedure that has 2 input parameters. The report author wants to use the stored procedure in the report but only prompt the user for the first input parameter. The report author wants the second input parameter to be computed from the first parameter.

In Framework Manager, the stored procedure is imported from the database and we have added prompt macros to get the input parameters.

value1 = #prompt(´param1´)#

value2 = #prompt(´param2´)#
【EXP】验证exp的dump 包中包含procedure 的创建语句 个人分类:备份与恢复 EXP 后的dump 包中包含procedure 的定义语句,简单做一个实验验证之,供参考。 1.在sec
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mysql存储过程详解 1. 存储过程简介 我们常用的操作数据库语言 SQL 语句在执行的时候需要要先编译,然后执行,而存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL 语句
创建oracle procedure的几种方式.txt
replaceprocedure buildindex sqlstrvarchar2(1000); type varcharlist dba_indexes.index_name%type;namel
1:定义procedure(在高级程序设计语言中的模块的概念)create replaceprocedure procedure_name (param_1 outtype) param_innert
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